Pick-Up Artist Aired on VH1

A few weeks ago Mystery’s the Pick Up Artist was aired on VH1. I caught this recent episode and wanted to share with you my predictions.

What I liked:

1. Mystery’s Ridiculous Outfits. No one can peacock like mystery, hands down. The shows budget really allows for some fancy stuff. I dig it. Peacocking that hard is actually quite a challenge. Don’t believe me? Go to your local lair and look at all the guys who try it and get it wrong. It’s a  trainwreck.

2. The Challenges. Creative, fun and entertaining. Winner of one contest gets to walk around with a cute puppy in the next. Hillarious.

3. The Students. I love pick up students in general, they’re always so eager to learn, share a common interest with me, and so grateful for the even the smallest amounts of improvement they make. Students are hands down the #1 reason why I do what I do.

What I didn’t like:

1. J-Dog’s hair. I don’t think I need to go into this. Looks like the poor dude passed out on a park bench in the middle of a graffiti contest. While there were certainly things about this show that bug the working pick up artist in me, I have to hand it to Mystery and VH1 for presenting the community in a good light to a mainstream audience.

Adding Touch To Your Stories

This is the part III of the story telling technique which is very powerful and ties back into displaying your personality and bringing your characters to life.

What I will share with you will really helps paint the picture and get your audience more involved. This techniques is about adding TOUCH to your stories.

An example of this would be like “My friend and I were walking over there like this… (lock arm in arm).”

If you are using something like this arm and arm example, you would only do it for that short instance, not tell the rest of the story arm and arm. And remember, only hold whatever touch you are displaying for the appropriate part of the story.

An example I would use in my story is when describing his weirdness would be “I would be talking with some of my friends and he would come up from behind me, stick his arm around me like this (put arm on girls shoulder and pull her in, give her a little shake, showing exactly what he did to me).