Useful Mindsets for Disarming Male Competition

Have you ever avoided talking to a woman just because she was talking to another guy?

Or maybe you saw a group of girls with one or two guys with them and you ASSUMED the guys were cooler than you so you avoided approaching because you feared embarrassment.

There are two reasons why guys have a fear in talking with women who were with other guys.

They assume that the girl is “with” the guy, and assume he’s her boyfriend.

Guys shouldn’t think this as a barrier of talking to a woman. Plus – she’s not a guy’s “slave” or a piece of property, so she is free to talk to whomever she chooses, especially in a social situation like in the bar where people meet other people.

Approaching a woman who is “with” a guy often will make you look extremely confident, and draw out his jealous side, making him look insecure and weak.

The other reason guys don’t approach women with other men points to a deep insecurity based on a simple misconception.

Men tend to be threatened by other men, they assumed that the “other guy” is more cooler, stronger, or somehow powerful than they are.

This is founded in an ancient survival strategy that has been hardwired into the human brain.

In any given interaction, its often hard to tell who the more “dominant” person is. So when a male is confronted by another male, he doesn’t know how dominant the other guy is. The social hierarchy is very subtle, and mostly unconscious.

He doesn’t know if he will be embarrassed verbally, or as was probably common thousands of years ago, beaten up.

To assumed that the guy is a threat is the safest way to play. Because guys that are too bold may have won a few confrontations, but it will take them a single mistake that can end up their game.

Is It Fun or Feel like Work Meeting Women?

Does it ever feel like WORK meeting women?

And how does it feel that despite of all the effort you’re doing you’re still not getting an inch closer to your goal?

If you agreed to those questions, then you may continue reading.

I’m not going to lie, the dating game can be quite frustrating.

You see a girl you like, but she has a boyfriend.

You think everything will be going great with a woman and then she stops answering your calls.

Not to mention the fact that as the man you pretty much have to do everything to move things forward.

You must have the courage in the way you approach.

YOU have to keep the conversation going at first, YOU have to escalate physically, YOU have to get HER number or rack your brain to figure out a logistical way to take her home, YOU have to plan the date.

You know what, the standards for men’s behavior are much higher than women.

(Let’s not started on that…let’s just say women are allowed to get away with sub-par behavior just because they are “beautiful.”)

It can be pretty exhausting, especially if you’re not “extroverted” by nature.

… I have often heard a complain about “extroversion fatigue” from a client of mine.

I exactly knew what he meant about because I used to struggle with it before.

Before I began to teach myself pickup, I would go out, and be mentally DRAINED after talking to three or four women.

I would take a break and rest!

Think about how strange that is. In a situation where you are supposed to be having fun and RELAX, I was instead working harder than I was at my full time job.

I’d go home and be absolutely DEAD


That things makes any sense???

There you see the general dating fatigue. There’s an ups and downs in the emotions, results that is discouraging, in the hard work that I make just to get women to hang out with me or be in bed with me.

It was like a full time job and I was working overtime!

When I first got in this game, I literally had to force myself to go out and pickup ALL DAY for days on end. (I admit, I was a nerd, and pushed it to the extreme.)

But what can I say, I was passionate about learning all this stuff (and not to mention extremely eager for results after years of sexual frustration).

I would push myself like professional athletes push themselves in the gym.

I was forming NEW NEUROPATHWAYS and working on my muscles that I’ve never done before.

If you can relate to any of this, then you are probably working too hard in your interactions with women.

There are three reasons for this.

Socially proactive is the first reason that may be new to you.

I remember the first time I started weight lifting, I don’t have an upper pectoral muscles – the muscle right at the top of your chest just under your clavicle that make your chest look big.

Actually I did, but they were so small and weak, it took a good three weeks to even begin to feel them. Every time I worked them out I was incredibly sore and could barely move my arms.

And then I reached a tipping point of sorts, where the muscle was developed enough that I could handle big amounts of weight without all the soreness and fatigue. Your mind is the same way.

Developing your new neuro-pathways will take time. So with the level of your skills, you need to push yourself harder from day-to-day.

The second reason that can cause a feeling of social fatigue is that when you think that there is too much to do or learn when meeting women.

Actually this is more on having an overwhelmed feeling and has somewhat a little different from “fatigue.”

One way that can frazzle your mind is when you are overwhelmed by something. And this can lead to some sort of discouragement, exhaustion and depression. It’s like your body saying “Whew, enough for this much work, I’m quitting before I can even begin”

This will hinder you from doing any progress. I was in this situation when I was putting a lot of theories on my notes. And as I looked at them I’ve seen that I am just like looking for a huge and complex physics equation.

It was discouraging to think that I had to do almost all the needed things just to get a good quality of women.

The last reason for feeling exhausted in the dating and mating game is that you are spending too much mental energy in the wrong places, wasting your focus on stuff that isn’t useful to pickup.

I’d say 99 percent of guys get it wrong when it comes to attracting women. The thing is, the woman usually can’t tell, because most guys learn to hide their inner “stuff” after a few harsh rejections.

But this doesn’t negate the fact that when the average guy is attracted to a woman, he spends his mental energy on trying to impress her, or figure out if she likes him.

Think about the messages we get from the media, our parents and friends, and women – it’s the man’s role to IMPRESS the woman and EARN sex from her.

So Pathetic!

I hate seeing an advertisement of a guy that bumbling around a cute girl trying to impress her, even though he looks like a fool while the girl giggles like she’s better than him because she’s a girl.

Ok enough ranting…  the point is that most guys are screwed when it comes to being in control of their dating lives.

The matter of attraction for a guy will be change if he will only takes the time to adjust the way his mind works.

Once you get to highest level of your interaction with women, you will truly be attractive to them. You just need to be at your best both physically and emotionally.


The One-Night Stand of the Pick-Up Artist

Today, I will talk about the topic called the One Night Stand.

I started to understand how easy it was after just trying a couple of solid pickups.

I realize now that those initial successes were the start of a major “bad belief overhaul.”

I started to believe that women wanted me and are really wanted sex .

I have also this confidence that I am that attractive and desirable to women (even though I know I’m far from what’s typically considered good-looking).

To sleep with more women as much as possible is one of the main objective of my students (almost 75% of them)

While the remaining of them are looking for someone special. As I’ve said before, I don’t think these goals are mutually exclusive.

You see, if you’re looking for one special girl, you’re gonna have to meet a good amount of woman so you can make the best choice.

And if you don’t know how to meet women, I doubt if you can get the best girl.

There’s a very common phase that every good pickup artist goes through when he gets started. He begins learning new ways of thinking and behaving, and behold, he starts meeting and sleeping with a LOT OF WOMEN.